Men's T Shirts - The unVOZ ® Consciousness Tee Collection. The "MACHEL" tee features an image of Samora Machel on the front incl. "MACHEL" text, and then on the back a famous quote from Samora Rachel . All unVOZ tees feature heavyweight 100% cotton in a full/regular cut (order your exact size). Measurements available upon request. Other tees available: "TOUSSAINT" tee (Toussaint L'Overture), "KIMATHI" tee (Dedan Kimathi), "NYERERE" tee (Julius Nyerere), "LUMUMBA" tee (Patrice Lumumba), "PAUL BOGLE" tee, "IDA D" tee (Ida B Wells), "JOMO" tee (Jomo Kenyatta), and "TRUTH" tee ( Sojourner Truth). Some hoodies available too.